Monday, May 4, 2009

Radio - Safety on Campus

Safety on the Campus of Bennett College
Interview with Mia A. Simms

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blog - Violence ... Where Does It Come From ?

In today's society, we deal with violence everyday. Especially within our generation. But the question is, where do it come from? Our world is ran by dominating capitalism and we are rapidly running out of markets. We are victims of wars, a fallen economy, and times are just hard. Not only have we had to fight street violence but government and corporation violence as well.Children learn best by example; however, television has been raising our children for quite sometime. they imitate what they see on tv and recreate it outside of the home. Any and everything can be seen as violence. Even insulting people and calling it a joke. Women are portrayed as sexual victims in the music and entertainment industry. Once we learn where the source of violence comes from we can better handle it. We can stop letting television raise today's generation and take a stand against violence.

Magazine Article - A Time to Move On: An Escape from Domestic Violence

A Time to Move On: An Escape from Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a prevalent problem that women in the United States experience everyday. One out of every 8 females experience domestic violence, whether they are in a relationship or marriage.
When opted a way out of the situation, most women decide to stay out of fear or because they are in denial and they think it will not happen again. Furthermore, a big part of being discreet about this matter is the fact that the victim is emotionally attached, and even though they have been wronged, the victim does not want to take legal action against their partner.
Carmen Johnson, 22, has decided to share her story about her fight with domestic violence.

AD: How are you doing today? Thank you for speaking with me today.
CJ: I’m doing well.
AD: How long were you in a


relationship with your ex-boyfriend?
CJ: We were together for about 4.5 years.
AD: When was your first bout with domestic violence and what triggered it?
CJ: it was about 2 years into the relationship and things were starting to get kind of rocky. I had been questioning his loyalty to me and our relationship, he stopped seeing me as much, and sometimes when I would call him, he would not answer the phone. When I would ask him why he didn’t answer the phone it was always a different excuse. One day while he was in the bathroom, I couldn’t help but overhear him on the phone with another woman. I asked him who it was and he became defensive. Then he hit me, and that was the beginning of a brutal awakening.
AD: Was that the last time he hit you?
CJ: Not even. It continued ever since the first time. Many times I ended up in the hospital due to the bruises.
AD: So why didn’t you leave?
CJ: He told me that if I ever tried to leave he would kill me. For a long time I believed it.
AD: When did you decide that you couldn’t take anymore?
CJ: It was about 2 years later. I knew that I had to do something or I wouldn’t be around much longer. So I got up the courage to leave. It was the best decision I ever made and I have no intentions on looking back.


AD: So what have you been up to since you left your boyfriend 3 years ago?
CJ: I have finished school and I am engaged. My wedding is set for May 10, 2010.
AD: I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Before we leave, what would you say to women who do not have enough courage to get out of their situation?
CJ: I would say that one day you are going to wake up and feel that you have had enough. When that happens you have 2 choices, stay and deal, not knowing the fate of your future, or leave and take back your life. Don’t become a statistic.

Press Release - Battle of the Iron Mic


Contact Person: Dominique Trent
Phone Number: 703-965-0112
Email Address:

Battle of the Iron Mic

Greensboro, NC, March 22, 2009 – North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University will host Battle of the Iron Mic March 25, 2009 in the Harrison Auditorium at 7pm.

Battle of the Iron Mic is a tradition that A&T hosts every year. It is an event that brings students from surrounding colleges in the area. Student rap artists will go head to head in a rap battle for a grand prize and bragging rights until next year’s battle. The artists will rap lyrics that they have created in front of an audience. At the end of the battle, all of the contestants come back on stage and the audience decides the winner.


For additional information contact Dominique Trent at or 703-965-0112.

Hard News Story - A&T Students Remember Dennis Hayle

A&T Students Remember Dennis Hayle
By Jennine A. Daniels
January 29, 2009

North Carolina A&T State University students came together in Harris Auditorium to remember their friend Dennis Stewart Hayle on January 29, 2009.

Hayle was murdered outside of his apartment January 25, 2009 at 3:35am. A gun shot wound to the back of the head killed him instantaneously.

A&T student Dominique Trent rushed over to Hayle’s apartment 5 minutes after the shooting.

“I was in shock because he was just lying there,” Trent said. “No one deserves what happened to Dennis.”

Grief Counselors were on call for the mourning students all week.

As of now, Greensboro police have no leads on the case and are reaching out to the community for information.

Funeral services for Dennis S. Hayle took place January 31, 2009 at the Church of Transfiguration in Freeport, New York.